Prepping for November

So on top of my already busy lifestyle I’m now planning on participating in NaNoWriMo. I have always wanted to write a novel and have some bits of flotsam jetsam writing ideas floating in this ole brain of mine so, why not? If you are also participating I’m under the same name EverydayEmpress and I would love to have some writing companions!

Apparently living under a rock

Not that you may or may not care but I’ve recently redone Lil Bit’s room and it’s a retro Mermaid vibe in Tiffany Blue and Fuchsia color with that white beach-princess furniture. So I’ve also been working on a special crafty/painting for the room. I have literally spent on/off two weeks between choosing font, creating a mermaid with the Moose (had to collab w/hubby on that one because I’m not masterful with the human form).
These are some of the early versions:





The top two are mine, third is hubby’s and then the bottom one was a test run of the collaboration.

Then I spend several hours picking fonts and placing them on the canvas. So several hours later with many sized, shaped, makes of brushes I produce this.


I the send a picture of it to my sister, The Princess (of Sass) who tells me it needs either background or border. I told her that I was thinking of a mixed media approach with some mini fishnet and shells and she agrees. I then tell her both proudly and annoyed that fonts in paintings are daunting considering the end results. She then proceeds to tell me that they make paint pens. Not like the cheesy old school ones we made posters for the football team with but true paint pens.


So alas, I have suddenly realized I’m not only almost thirty, but out-of-the-loop. It’s not so bad, coloring your hair to hide the greys can be fun….but pricy, I guess that’s why you get to work your “big girl job” as the college student a.k.a. The Princess calls it. (I secretly think it’s been the source of a lot of greys but oh well…..)

Until next time, ciao!