
So I️ feel like I️ need to confess some things at least to the blog-o-sphere.

I️ may seem like it from the outside, but I️ hardly have my shit together most days.

Was our parents generation really better at juggling life or were they better at not over-sharing/complaining? I️ think there were a lot of closet drinkers….just sayin’.

Do people really expect parenting to be easy? I️ didn’t and still didn’t expect some of the balancing act.

How the flying flip do household with two working parents and two small children keep the house clean? Mine constantly looks like it had a tornado go through it…..even 20 minutes after I’ve just cleaned it.

Am I️ ever going to feel like I’m off the hamster wheel? I️ long for the weekends because my seven month old doesn’t sleep and it means I️ won’t have to get up on a schedule like normal.

Is there a club for Overthinkers-anonymous? I️ should google that…