Ballerina Buns

Today is my first ever “dance mom” event and Lil Bit’s dance studio is doing class and head shot photos. I’m a nervous wreck.

Let me start off by explaining that I’m utterly a disappointment when it comes to doing my child’s hair as my mother and sister frequently point out. It doesn’t help that she was graced with her Dad’s more Nordic-looking hair (straight and blonde) but with my thin Irish/English strands with the unfortunate lack of ability to hold curl as well as mine. Poor child. Regardless of the challenge placed before me, I am a smart girl and having been a mini-mom to my sister, 8 years my junior, I learned a thing or two when accompanying her to dance. Hence I’ve bought a hair-hack, a.k.a. fake bun to hopefully assist me in this endeavor. 

It worked! And she did so well with pictures. Happy mom squeal! I’ll be honest, I keep hoping she will decide to do a sport like tennis, soccer, ball–anything that I would feel more helpful with but alas, not so lucky as of yet.